HappySnaps 11


Hello. Where have I been?? I’ve been, busy. I know, I hate that excuse too. But it’s true! And when you’re busy, sometimes fun things like blogs can start to seem like a chore. And once this feels like a chore, I won’t want to do it anymore, so I took some time off.  I promise I will try to keep updating as much as I can, but with holidays and birthdays looming, I can’t promise how much.

Here’s a quick HappySnaps for a peek into what we’ve been up to!


As usual, we’ve been moving around furniture. And Robin has been enjoying all of the new spots to hang.


And sleep. Lot’s of sleeping. Jolene joins in too.


This ^^^^, is sort of big news! This is my beloved car. We have been working on it for almost two years (in December)! Sadly, it has been sitting at a mechanic’s shop for almost a year while he “worked” on it. This car has basically been a really big lesson for us, but it’s home now and so so so close to being done. I’ll post a whole blog on the story of this car, what exactly we are doing to it, and why it’s taking so long.


Some more news, we have gone Paleo! Seeing this new craze all over the internet, I started to wonder what the whoop was about. So when we got home from our anniversary road trip, we took the plunge and went full Paleo for a month. Well, we have loved it so much we have decided to keep going with it. The effects this way of eating has had on our bodies is incredible! I no longer get hungry every two hours, or have major blood sugar crashes or digestive issues. We feel more energetic ad have been sleeping better. Over all, it has been a huge improvement in our daily lives. And the best part is, it really wasn’t even that hard to adjust. I am always up for a challenge in the kitchen, but most of the meals I have made have been super quick, easy, and low on dishes! With the holidays coming up, we know it is not realistic to be 100% strict with this lifestyle, especially while dining at friend’s houses (no one likes a picky guest right?). But doing this has also helped us to automatically make healthier choices, when the healthiest and most ideal choice isn’t available.


In other news, we have been soaking up as much of the lasting warm summer weather that we can, knowing it is going to cool down very soon. We are both excited for fall and winter, but that still doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take advantage of the unseasonably hot days right?


And finally, look at that. A tiny bell pepper. In our own garden. That we grew. I can’t wait for it to be full grown and ready to eat! We’ve already had our first Meyer lemon from our little tree! It was delicious!

What has been going on in your world?